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Szótér-tár szln-magy

Slovenian-Hungarian invite only and publicly not listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: sotineolog
Reverse dictionary: Szótér-tár magy-szln
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492 matches in 17 dictionaries. Details
exhaust gas componentsundef
exhaust gas coolerundef
exhaust gas emissionundef
asbestos gasketundef
sealing gasketundef
exhaust gas lossesundef
exhaust gas measuring equipmentundef
exhaust gas pressureundef
exhaust gas recyclingundef
All is gas and gaiters.undef
liquified petroleum gas (L.P.G.)undef
analysis of exhaust gasesundef
s Gasnoun 'gaːs
  1. pluralForm:
  2. Gase
  1. genitiveForm:
  2. Gases
  1. gen
r Gasangriffnoun
gasenv intrans v 'gaːzən
r Gasentwicklernoun
r Gaserzeugernoun
r Gashahnnoun
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