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Türkçe-Fransızca Sözlük

Turkish-French invite only and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: boracasli
Reverse dictionary: Fransızca-Türkçe Sözlük
0 Words
0 Translations
0 Examples
0 Expressions
406 matches in 18 dictionaries. Details
banda del bucoundef
banda di frequenzaundef
banda di rumoreundef
banda famelicaundef
banda magneticaundef
banda passanteundef
banda perforataundef
banda radioundef
banda sonoraundef
    1. Piemonte, 17. sz.: madarak, lepkék, virágok stb. barokk stílusú hímzésfajta
bandieraf noun
bandiera0 noun
bandiera abbrunataundef
bandiera a luttoundef
bandiera a stelle e strisceundef
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