matches in the
beside the purposeexp USA: bʌ·saɪ'd ðiː· pəː'pʌ·s UK: bɪsaɪd ðiː pəːpəs
for the purpose ofadv USA: frəː· ðiː· pəː'pʌ·s ʌ·v UK: fəː ðiː pəːpəs ɔv
beg the questionexp USA: be'g ðiː· kwe'ʃʌ·n UK: beg ðiː kwestʃən
put the questionexp USA: pʊ't ðiː· kwe'ʃʌ·n UK: pʊt ðiː kwestʃən
chew the ragexp USA: tʃuː' ðiː· ræ'g UK: tʃuː ðiː ræg
for the remainder of one's lifeexp USA: frəː· ðiː· riː·meɪ'ndəː· ʌ·v wʌ'nz laɪ'f UK: fəː ðiː rɪmeɪndər ɔv wʌnz laɪf
shift the responsibilityexp USA: ʃɪ'ft ðiː· riː·spɔ"nsʌ·bɪ'lʌ·tiː· UK: ʃɪft ðiː rɪspɔnsəbɪlɪtiː
for the restexp USA: frəː· ðiː· re'st UK: fəː ðiː rest
reserve the rightexp USA: riː·zəː'v ðiː· raɪ't UK: rɪzəːv ðiː raɪt
reserve the right of recoursev USA: riː·zəː'v ðiː· raɪ't ʌ·v riː'kɔː·rs UK: rɪzəːv ðiː raɪt ɔv rɪkɔːs
run the risk ofv USA: rʌ'n ðiː· rɪ'sk ʌ·v UK: rʌn ðiː rɪsk ɔv
run the risk ofv USA: rʌ'n ðiː· rɪ'sk ʌ·v UK: rʌn ðiː rɪsk ɔv
run the risk of doing sthexp
by the riverexp USA: baɪ' ðiː· rɪ'vəː· UK: baɪ ðiː rɪvər
cross the roadexp USA: krɔː's ðiː· roʊ'd UK: krɔs ðiː roʊd
by the roadsideexp USA: baɪ' ðiː· roʊ'dsaɪ"d UK: baɪ ðiː roʊdsaɪd
call the rollexp USA: kɔː'l ðiː· roʊ'l UK: kɔːl ðiː roʊl
raise the roofv USA: reɪ'z ðiː· ruː'f UK: reɪz ðiː ruːf
rule the roostexp USA: ruː'l ðiː· ruː'st UK: ruːl ðiː ruːst
be the ruin of syv USA: biː· ðiː· ruː'ʌ·n ʌ·v saɪ'
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