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Consider the following suggestions to improve your search results:
  • Check the word for typos: sz��mvev��sz��k - Az Eur��pai Uni�� f��ggetlen int��zm��nye, feladata az Eur��pai Uni�� gazd��lkod��s��nak ��s sz��mvitel��nek ellen��rz��se. Mint ilyen, a Phare-program gazd��lkod��s��t ��s k��lts��gvet��s��nek v��grehajt��s��t is fel��gyeli. (PHARE)
  • Check if the translation settings are correct: -
  • Use the uninflected form, and present tense of word.
  • Change language pair and dictionary settings.
  • Translate separate words instead of whole expressions.
  • Expand search criteria by searching in all public dictionaries.
  • If you believe the word should be in the dictionary, send us a report:
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