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Albanian-Hungarian Dictionary

Albanian-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: Etleva
Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-Albanian Dictionary
268 Words
321 Translations
0 Examples
0 Expressions
matches in the
take one's farewell of syv USA: teɪ'k wʌ'nz fe"rwe'l ʌ·v saɪ'
take one's hair downv USA: teɪ'k wʌ'nz he'r daʊ'n UK: teɪk wʌnz heər daʊn
take one's life in one's handsexp USA: teɪ'k wʌ'nz laɪ'f ɪ'n wʌ'nz hæ'nz UK: teɪk wʌnz laɪf ɪn wʌnz hændz
take one's own coursev USA: teɪ'k wʌ'nz oʊ'n kɔː'rs UK: teɪk wʌnz oʊn kɔːs
take one's own lifeexp USA: teɪ'k wʌ'nz oʊ'n laɪ'f UK: teɪk wʌnz oʊn laɪf
take oneself offexp USA: teɪ'k wʌ"nse'lf ɔː'f UK: teɪk wʌnself ɔf
take oneself offv USA: teɪ'k wʌ"nse'lf ɔː'f UK: teɪk wʌnself ɔf
take out a permitv USA: teɪ'k aʊ't eɪ' pəː'mɪ"t UK: teɪk aʊt eɪ pəːmɪt
take out a policyexp USA: teɪ'k aʊ't eɪ' pɔ'lʌ·siː· UK: teɪk aʊt eɪ pɔləsiː
take out a subscript toexp UK: teɪk aʊt eɪ sʌbskrɪpt tuː
take out american papersexp USA: teɪ'k aʊ't ʌ·me'rʌ·kʌ·n peɪ'pəː·z UK: teɪk aʊt əmerɪkən peɪpəz
take out insuranceexp USA: teɪ'k aʊ't ɪ"nʃʊ'rʌ·ns UK: teɪk aʊt ɪnʃʊərəns
take out insurance on sthexp
take out ofexp USA: teɪ'k aʊ't ʌ·v UK: teɪk aʊt ɔv
take overv intrans v USA: teɪ'k oʊ'vəː· UK: teɪk oʊvər
take over a businessexp USA: teɪ'k oʊ'vəː· eɪ' bɪ'znʌ·s UK: teɪk oʊvər eɪ bɪznəs
take over fromexp USA: teɪ'k oʊ'vəː· fəː·m UK: teɪk oʊvər frɔm
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