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English-Hungarian invite only and publicly not listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: play
68 Words
315 Translations
26 Examples
0 Expressions
403 matches in 5 dictionaries.
queer in the headadj USA: kwɪ'r ɪ'n ðiː· he'd UK: kwɪər ɪn ðiː hed
snap off sy's headv
stand on one's headv USA: stæ'nd ɔ'n wʌ'nz he'd UK: stænd ɔn wʌnz hed
take into one's headexp USA: teɪ'k ɪ"ntʌ· wʌ'nz he'd UK: teɪk ɪntuː wʌnz hed
talk over sy's headv
toss of the headexp USA: tɔː's ʌ·v ðiː· he'd UK: tɔs ɔv ðiː hed
weak in the headexp USA: wiː'k ɪ'n ðiː· he'd UK: wiːk ɪn ðiː hed
i have a headacheexp USA: aɪ' hæ'v eɪ' he'deɪ"k UK: aɪ hæv eɪ hedeɪk
he has his head full of waspsexp USA: hiː' hʌ·z hʌ·z he'd fʊ'l ʌ·v wɔ'sps UK: hiː hæz hɪz hed fʊl ɔv wɔsps
they put their heads togetherexp USA: ðeɪ' pʊ't ðe'r he'dz tʌ·ge'ðəː· UK: ðeɪ pʊt ðeər hedz təgeðər
bash sy on the headv USA: bæ'ʃ saɪ' ɔ'n ðiː· he'd
be out of one's headv USA: biː· aʊ't ʌ·v wʌ'nz he'd UK: biː aʊt ɔv wʌnz hed
be out of one's headv USA: biː· aʊ't ʌ·v wʌ'nz he'd UK: biː aʊt ɔv wʌnz hed
be out of one's headadj USA: biː· aʊ't ʌ·v wʌ'nz he'd UK: biː aʊt ɔv wʌnz hed
get ideas into one's headv USA: gɪ't aɪ·diː'ʌ·z ɪ"ntʌ· wʌ'nz he'd UK: get aɪdɪəz ɪntuː wʌnz hed
hammer sg into sy's headv
he went off his headv USA: hiː' we'nt ɔː'f hʌ·z he'd UK: hiː went ɔf hɪz hed
hit him on the headexp USA: hɪ't ɪ"m ɔ'n ðiː· he'd UK: hɪt hɪm ɔn ðiː hed
imprecate curses on sy's headv
imprecate curses upon sy's headv
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