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motyó angol-magyar szótára

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Reverse dictionary: motyó magyar-angol szótára
1 Words
1 Translations
0 Examples
0 Expressions
87 matches in 6 dictionaries.
small coalexp USA: smɔː'l koʊ'l UK: smɔːl koʊl
smithing coalexp UK: smɪθɪŋ koʊl
smithy coalexp UK: smɪðiː koʊl
stone coalnoun USA: stoʊ'n koʊ'l UK: stoʊn koʊl
white coalexp USA: hwaɪ't koʊ'l UK: waɪt koʊl
live coalsexp USA: lɪ'v koʊ'lz UK: lɪv koʊlz
belt of coalexp USA: be'lt ʌ·v koʊ'l UK: belt ɔv koʊl
stock of coalexp USA: stɔ'k ʌ·v koʊ'l UK: stɔk ɔv koʊl
blow the coalsv USA: bloʊ' ðiː· koʊ'lz UK: bloʊ ðiː koʊlz
fan the coalsv USA: fæ'n ðiː· koʊ'lz UK: fæn ðiː koʊlz
call over the coalsexp USA: kɔː'l oʊ'vəː· ðiː· koʊ'lz UK: kɔːl oʊvər ðiː koʊlz
it is heavy on coalexp USA: ʌ·t ʌ·z he'viː· ɔ'n koʊ'l UK: ɪt ɪz heviː ɔn koʊl
coal burning kilnundef
coal districtundef
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