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English-Hungarian Dictionary of Politics and Society

English-Hungarian moderated and publicly listed dictionary
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25 Words
30 Translations
5 Examples
0 Expressions
cuttersnoun USA: kʌ'təː·z UK: kʌtəz
burr cutternoun USA: bəː' kʌ'təː· UK: bəːr kʌtər
burr cutterexp USA: bəː' kʌ'təː· UK: bəːr kʌtər
cable cutterexp USA: keɪ'bʌ·l kʌ'təː· UK: keɪbl kʌtər
cookie cutternoun USA: kʊ'kiː· kʌ'təː· UK: kʊkiː kʌtər
milling cutternoun USA: mɪ'lɪ·ŋ kʌ'təː· UK: mɪlɪŋ kʌtər
pastry cutternoun USA: peɪ'striː· kʌ'təː· UK: peɪstriː kʌtər
profile cutternoun USA: proʊ'faɪ"l kʌ'təː· UK: proʊfaɪl kʌtər
revenue cutterexp USA: re'vʌ·nyuː" kʌ'təː· UK: revənjuː kʌtər
sprocket cutterexp USA: sprɔ'kʌ·t kʌ'təː· UK: sprɔkɪt kʌtər
nicked-tooth milling cutterexp
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