English-Hungarian Dictionary of Politics and Society
English-Hungarian moderated and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-English Dictionary of Politics and Society
82 matches in 7 dictionaries.
matches in the 40
matches in the 9
matches in the 5
matches in the 1
match in the 1
match in the 2
matches in the reverse clipping
press clipping [Am.]
split tubular clip
at a good clip
- ókori Róma nagy, kerek rézpajzsot viselő
- ókori Róma nagy, kerek rézpajzsot viselő
- ókori Róma nagy, kerek rézpajzs
- rovaré, kígyóé ajakpajzs
clip nasale antirusso
bottone a clip / a pressione
Île Clipperton
clipper hajóorrtípus
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