Musical Dictionary
English-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
I am anonymous user in this dictionary
Administrator of the dictionary: Grande
Reverse dictionary: Zenei szótár
430 matches in 18 dictionaries.
matches in the 16
matches in the 23
matches in the 1
match in the 101
matches in the 22
matches in the 1
match in the 8
matches in the 10
matches in the 44
matches in the 56
matches in the 2
matches in the 11
matches in the 25
matches in the 1
match in the 5
matches in the 5
matches in the 6
matches in the wave ranges
time range selection
sound ranging
aperture speed range
asset depreciation range
at close range
at point-blank range
low mountain range
shutter speed range
a wide range of
in the range of politics
sound navigation ranging
constant out of range
It was only when she rang up that I realized it.
pitch range
- genitiveForm:
- Rangs
- Ranges
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