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English-German simple dictionary

English-German open and publicly listed dictionary
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105192 Words
147234 Translations
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gluttonousadj USA: glʌ'tʌ·nʌ·s UK: glʌtənəs
gluttonynoun USA: glʌ'tʌ·niː· UK: glʌtniː
glycerinnoun UK: glɪsəriːn
glycerinenoun UK: glɪsəriːn
glycerolnoun USA: glɪ'səː·oʊ"l
glycinenoun USA: glaɪ'sʌ·n
glycolnoun USA: glaɪ'koʊ"l UK: glaɪkɔl
glyphnoun UK: glɪf
glypticsnoun noun UK: glɪptɪks
glyptographynoun UK: glɪptɔgrəfiː
dead glacierexp USA: de'd gleɪ'ʃəː· UK: ded glæsɪər
be gladv USA: biː· glæ'd UK: biː glæd
cutting glanceexp USA: kʌ'tɪ·ŋ glæ'ns UK: kʌtɪŋ glɑns
lead glancenoun USA: liː'd glæ'ns UK: liːd glɑns
oblique glanceexp USA: ʌ·bliː'k glæ'ns UK: əbliːk glɑns
steely glanceexp USA: stiː'liː· glæ'ns UK: stiːliː glɑns
pituitary glandexp USA: pʌ·tuː'ʌ·te"riː· glæ'nd UK: pɪtjuːɪtəriː glænd
pituitary glandadj USA: pʌ·tuː'ʌ·te"riː· glæ'nd UK: pɪtjuːɪtəriː glænd
prostate glandexp USA: prɔ'steɪ"t glæ'nd UK: prɔsteɪt glænd
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