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English-German simple dictionary

English-German open and publicly listed dictionary
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105192 Words
147234 Translations
0 Examples
0 Expressions
326 matches in 18 dictionaries. Details
code postalexp
carte postalenoun
mandat postalnoun
numéro postalexp
sac postalnoun
service postal
tarif postal
numéro postal d’acheminementexp
adresse postalenoun
boîte postalenoun
case postalenoun
Union postale universelle
postalischadj pɔs'taːlɪʃ
s Postamentnoun pɔsta'mɛnt
  1. pluralForm:
  2. Postamente
  1. genitiveForm:
  2. Postaments
  3. Postamentes
s Postamtnoun
e Postanweisungnoun
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