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English-Hungarian dictionary

English-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrators of the dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger
Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-English dictionary
93206 Words
208926 Translations
3026 Examples
340 Expressions
cupv trans v USA: kʌ'p UK: kʌp
cupv intrans v USA: kʌ'p UK: kʌp
cup-bearernoun UK: kʌpbeərər
cupboardnoun USA: kʌ'bəː·d UK: kʌbəd
cupboard lovenoun USA: kʌ'bəː·d lʌ'v UK: kʌbəd lʌv
cupfulnoun UK: kʌpfʊl
cupolanoun UK: kjuːpələ
cuppingnoun UK: kʌpɪŋ
bitter cupexp USA: bɪ'təː· kʌ'p UK: bɪtər kʌp
egg cupnoun USA: e'g kʌ'p UK: eg kʌp
leat cupnoun
a cup of coffeeexp USA: eɪ' kʌ'p ʌ·v kɔ'fiː· UK: eɪ kʌp ɔv kɔfiː
a cup of teaexp USA: eɪ' kʌ'p ʌ·v tiː' UK: eɪ kʌp ɔv tiː
built-in cupboardexp
built-in (cupboard)exp
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