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English-Hungarian dictionary

English-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrators of the dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger
Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-English dictionary
93206 Words
208926 Translations
3026 Examples
340 Expressions
doomv trans v USA: duː'm UK: duːm
doom / -ed to failureexp USA: duː'm e'd tʌ· feɪ'lyəː· UK: duːm ed tuː feɪljər
doom to sgv
doomedadj USA: duː'md UK: duːmd
doomsayernoun USA: duː"mseɪ'əː· UK: duːmseɪə
doomsdaynoun USA: duː'mzdeɪ" UK: duːmzdeɪ
till doomsdayexp USA: tɪ'l duː'mzdeɪ" UK: tɪl duːmzdeɪ
the day of doomexp USA: ðiː· deɪ' ʌ·v duː'm UK: ðiː deɪ ɔv duːm
until the crack of doomexp USA: ʌ·ntɪ'l ðiː· kræ'k ʌ·v duː'm UK: ʌntɪl ðiː kræk ɔv duːm
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