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English-Hungarian dictionary

English-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrators of the dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger
Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-English dictionary
93206 Words
208926 Translations
3026 Examples
340 Expressions
foolv intrans v USA: fuː'l UK: fuːl
foolv trans v USA: fuː'l UK: fuːl
    1. He made a fool of himself at the party.
        1. Bolondot csinált magából a bulin.
    1. A fool is known by his speech.
        1. Bolond lyukból bolond szél fúj.
    2. Fortune favours fools.
        1. Bolondnak kedvez/jár a szerencse.
    3. A fool may throw a stone into a well which a hundred wise men cannot pull out.
        1. Egy bolond beledobja a kútba a követ, száz okos se veszi ki.
    4. One fool makes many (a hundred).
        1. Egy bolond százat csinál.
fool aboutv intrans v USA: fuː'l ʌ·baʊ't UK: fuːl əbaʊt
fool aroundv intrans v USA: fuː'l əː·aʊ'n UK: fuːl əraʊnd
fool awayv trans v USA: fuː'l ʌ·weɪ' UK: fuːl əweɪ
fool intov trans v USA: fuː'l ɪ"ntʌ· UK: fuːl ɪntuː
fool outv trans v USA: fuː'l aʊ't UK: fuːl aʊt
fool sy into doing sgv
fool sy out of sgv
fool / there's no - like 1.exp
fool withv intrans v USA: fuː'l wʌ·ð UK: fuːl wɪð
fooleriesnoun UK: fuːlərɪz
foolerynoun USA: fuː'ləː·iː· UK: fuːləriː
fool-hardyadj USA: fuː'lhɔ"rdiː· UK: fuːlhɑdiː
foolhardyadj USA: fuː'lhɔ"rdiː· UK: fuːlhɑdiː
foolishadj USA: fuː'lɪ"ʃ UK: fuːlɪʃ
foolishlyadv USA: fuː'lɪ"ʃliː· UK: fuːlɪʃliː
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