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English-Hungarian dictionary

English-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrators of the dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger
Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-English dictionary
93206 Words
208926 Translations
3026 Examples
340 Expressions
get up a subscriptionexp USA: gɪ't ʌ'p eɪ' sʌ·bskrɪ'pʃʌ·n UK: get ʌp eɪ səbskrɪpʃn
get up lateexp USA: gɪ't ʌ'p leɪ't UK: get ʌp leɪt
get up tov USA: gɪ't ʌ'p tʌ· UK: get ʌp tuː
used to / i - get up early.exp USA: yuː'zd tʌ· aɪ' gɪ't ʌ'p əː'liː· UK: juːzd tuː aɪ get ʌp əːliː
get oneself upexp USA: gɪ't wʌ"nse'lf ʌ'p UK: get wʌnself ʌp
get one's monkey upv USA: gɪ't wʌ'nz mʌ'ŋkiː· ʌ'p UK: get wʌnz mʌŋkiː ʌp
get one's dander upv UK: get wʌnz dændər ʌp
get mixed upexp USA: gɪ't mɪ'kst ʌ'p UK: get mɪkst ʌp
get balled upexp USA: gɪ't bɔː'ld ʌ'p UK: get bɔːld ʌp
get back upv USA: gɪ't bæ'k ʌ'p UK: get bæk ʌp
get steamed upexp USA: gɪ't stiː'md ʌ'p UK: get stiːmd ʌp
get tangled upv USA: gɪ't tæ'ŋgʌ·ld ʌ'p UK: get tæŋgld ʌp
get sy's dander upv
get sy's back upv
get sy up on his earsv USA: gɪ't saɪ' ʌ'p ɔ'n hʌ·z iː'rz
get stopped upexp USA: gɪ't stɔ'pt ʌ'p UK: get stɔpt ʌp
getting upadj USA: gɪ'tɪ·ŋ ʌ'p UK: getɪŋ ʌp
getting upexp USA: gɪ'tɪ·ŋ ʌ'p UK: getɪŋ ʌp
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