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English-Hungarian dictionary

English-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrators of the dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger
Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-English dictionary
93206 Words
208926 Translations
3026 Examples
340 Expressions
perishv trans v USA: pe'rɪ·ʃ UK: perɪʃ
perishv intrans v USA: pe'rɪ·ʃ UK: perɪʃ
perish by coldv USA: pe'rɪ·ʃ baɪ' koʊ'ld UK: perɪʃ baɪ koʊld
perish by hungerv USA: pe'rɪ·ʃ baɪ' hʌ'ŋgəː· UK: perɪʃ baɪ hʌŋgər
perish on the blockexp USA: pe'rɪ·ʃ ɔ'n ðiː· blɔ'k UK: perɪʃ ɔn ðiː blɔk
perish the thought!exp USA: pe'rɪ·ʃ ðiː· θɔː't UK: perɪʃ ðiː θɔːt
perish the thoughtexp USA: pe'rɪ·ʃ ðiː· θɔː't UK: perɪʃ ðiː θɔːt
perish with coldv USA: pe'rɪ·ʃ wʌ·ð koʊ'ld UK: perɪʃ wɪð koʊld
perish with hungerv USA: pe'rɪ·ʃ wʌ·ð hʌ'ŋgəː· UK: perɪʃ wɪð hʌŋgər
perishablenoun USA: pe'rɪ·ʃʌ·bʌ·l UK: perɪʃəbl
perishablenoun USA: pe'rɪ·ʃʌ·bʌ·l UK: perɪʃəbl
perishablesnoun UK: perɪʃəblz
perishernoun UK: perɪʃər
perishingadj UK: perɪʃɪŋ
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