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English-Hungarian dictionary

English-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrators of the dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger
Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-English dictionary
93206 Words
208926 Translations
3026 Examples
340 Expressions
polenoun USA: poʊ'l UK: poʊl
  1. geo astron
    1. phys electr
    2. math
polev trans v USA: poʊ'l UK: poʊl
pole beanexp USA: poʊ'l biː'n UK: poʊl biːn
pole piecenoun USA: poʊ'l piː's UK: poʊl piːs
pole / the north poleexp USA: poʊ'l ðiː· nɔː'rθ poʊ'l UK: poʊl ðiː nɔːθ poʊl
pole vaulternoun UK: poʊl vɔːltər
pole-axnoun UK: poʊlæks
pole-axenoun UK: poʊlæks
polecatnoun USA: poʊ'lkæ"t UK: poʊlkæt
polemicnoun USA: pʌ·le'mɪ·k UK: pəlemɪk
pole-starnoun UK: poʊlstɑr
pole-vaultv intrans v
climbing poleexp USA: klaɪ'mɪ·ŋ poʊ'l UK: klaɪmɪŋ poʊl
line polenoun USA: laɪ'n poʊ'l UK: laɪn poʊl
negative poleexp USA: ne'gʌ·tɪ·v poʊ'l UK: negətɪv poʊl
north poleexp USA: nɔː'rθ poʊ'l UK: nɔːθ poʊl
positive poleexp USA: pɔ'zʌ·tɪ·v poʊ'l UK: pɔzətɪv poʊl
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