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English-Hungarian dictionary

English-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
I am anonymous user in this dictionary
Administrators of the dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger
Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-English dictionary
93206 Words
208926 Translations
3026 Examples
340 Expressions
matches in the
showv trans v USA: ʃoʊ' UK: ʃoʊ
showv intrans v USA: ʃoʊ' UK: ʃoʊ
showv trans v USA: ʃoʊ' UK: ʃoʊ
show 1.exp
show a clean pair of heelsexp USA: ʃoʊ' eɪ' kliː'n pe'r ʌ·v hiː'lz UK: ʃoʊ eɪ kliːn peər ɔv hiːlz
show a picture on the screenexp USA: ʃoʊ' eɪ' pɪ'ktʃəː· ɔ'n ðiː· skriː'n UK: ʃoʊ eɪ pɪktʃər ɔn ðiː skriːn
show constraintv USA: ʃoʊ' kʌ·nstreɪ'nt UK: ʃoʊ kənstreɪnt
show downv trans v USA: ʃoʊ' daʊ'n UK: ʃoʊ daʊn
show downv trans v USA: ʃoʊ' daʊ'n UK: ʃoʊ daʊn
show inv trans v USA: ʃoʊ' ɪ'n UK: ʃoʊ ɪn
show inv trans v USA: ʃoʊ' ɪ'n UK: ʃoʊ ɪn
show intov USA: ʃoʊ' ɪ"ntʌ· UK: ʃoʊ ɪntuː
show intov USA: ʃoʊ' ɪ"ntʌ· UK: ʃoʊ ɪntuː
show / it doesn't -exp
show / it -sexp USA: ʃoʊ' ʌ·t e's
show it to meexp USA: ʃoʊ' ʌ·t tʌ· miː' UK: ʃoʊ ɪt tuː miː
show itselfexp USA: ʃoʊ' ʌ·tse'lf UK: ʃoʊ ɪtself
show meexp USA: ʃoʊ' miː' UK: ʃoʊ miː
show me a liar and i'll show you a thiefexp USA: ʃoʊ' miː' eɪ' laɪ'əː· ʌ·nd ɪ'l ʃoʊ' yuː' eɪ' θiː'f UK: ʃoʊ miː eɪ laɪər ənd ɪl ʃoʊ juː eɪ θiːf
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