English-Hungarian dictionary
English-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-English dictionary
matches in the witch-hunter
witch's brew
with a hawk-like swoop
with a hop skip and a jump USA: wʌ·ð eɪ' hɔ'p skɪ'p ʌ·nd eɪ' ʤʌ'mp UK: wɪð eɪ hɔp skɪp ənd eɪ ʤʌmp
with a hop skip and a jump USA: wʌ·ð eɪ' hɔ'p skɪ'p ʌ·nd eɪ' ʤʌ'mp UK: wɪð eɪ hɔp skɪp ənd eɪ ʤʌmp
with all modern conveniences USA: wʌ·ð ɔː'l mɔ'dəː·n kʌ·nviː'nyʌ·nsʌ·z UK: wɪð ɔːl mɔdn kənviːnɪənsɪz
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