Orosz-Magyar szótár
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Reverse dictionary: Magyar-Orosz szótár
403 matches in 5 dictionaries.
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match in the 1
match in the success has turned his head USA: sʌ·kse's hʌ·z təː'nd hʌ·z he'd UK: səkses hæz təːnd hɪz hed
take sg into one's head
put sg out of sy's head
his eyes were popping out of his head USA: hʌ·z aɪ'z wəː' pɔ'pɪ·ŋ aʊ't ʌ·v hʌ·z he'd UK: hɪz aɪz wəːr pɔpɪŋ aʊt ɔv hɪz hed
head angle
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