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Gida DE

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take turns at doingexp USA: teɪ'k təː'nz æ't duː'ɪ·ŋ UK: teɪk təːnz ət duːɪŋ
take unawares syexp USA: teɪ'k ʌ"nʌ·we'rz saɪ'
take upv intrans v USA: teɪ'k ʌ'p UK: teɪk ʌp
take up a challengeexp USA: teɪ'k ʌ'p eɪ' tʃæ'lʌ·nʤ UK: teɪk ʌp eɪ tʃælənʤ
take up a questionexp USA: teɪ'k ʌ'p eɪ' kwe'ʃʌ·n UK: teɪk ʌp eɪ kwestʃən
take up a streetexp USA: teɪ'k ʌ'p eɪ' striː't UK: teɪk ʌp eɪ striːt
take up armsexp USA: teɪ'k ʌ'p ɔ'rmz UK: teɪk ʌp ɑmz
take up arms againexp USA: teɪ'k ʌ'p ɔ'rmz ʌ·geɪ'n UK: teɪk ʌp ɑmz əgen
take up arms against syv USA: teɪ'k ʌ'p ɔ'rmz ʌ·ge'nst saɪ'
take up medicineexp USA: teɪ'k ʌ'p me'dʌ·sʌ·n UK: teɪk ʌp medsn
take up much roomv USA: teɪ'k ʌ'p mʌ'tʃ ruː'm UK: teɪk ʌp mʌtʃ ruːm
take up one's dutiesv USA: teɪ'k ʌ'p wʌ'nz duː'tiː·z UK: teɪk ʌp wʌnz djuːtɪz
take up one's postexp USA: teɪ'k ʌ'p wʌ'nz poʊ'st UK: teɪk ʌp wʌnz poʊst
take up one's quartersexp USA: teɪ'k ʌ'p wʌ'nz kwɔː'rtəː·z UK: teɪk ʌp wʌnz kwɔːtəz
take up one's residencev USA: teɪ'k ʌ'p wʌ'nz re'zʌ·dʌ·ns UK: teɪk ʌp wʌnz rezɪdəns
take up shortexp USA: teɪ'k ʌ'p ʃɔː'rt UK: teɪk ʌp ʃɔːt
take up spaceexp USA: teɪ'k ʌ'p speɪ's UK: teɪk ʌp speɪs
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