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German-English simple dictionary

German-English open and publicly listed dictionary
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95146 Words
147234 Translations
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matches in the
backpackv trans v USA: bæ'kpæ"k UK: bækpæk
back-restnoun USA: bæ'kre"st UK: bækrest
backsv USA: bæ'ks UK: bæks
backseatnoun USA: bæ·ksiː't UK: bæksiːt
back-seatnoun USA: bæ·ksiː't UK: bæksiːt
back-sidenoun USA: bæ'ksaɪ"d UK: bæksaɪd
backsidenoun USA: bæ'ksaɪ"d UK: bæksaɪd
backslashnoun USA: bæ'kslæ"ʃ UK: bækslæʃ
backslidernoun UK: bækslaɪdə
backslidingnoun USA: bæ'kslaɪ"dɪ·ŋ UK: bækslaɪdɪŋ
backspacev trans v UK: bækspeɪs
backstabnoun UK: bækstæb
backstageadj USA: bæ"ksteɪ'ʤ UK: bæksteɪʤ
backstageadv USA: bæ"ksteɪ'ʤ UK: bæksteɪʤ
back-stairnoun UK: bæksteər
backstitchnoun USA: bæ'kstɪ·tʃ UK: bækstɪtʃ
back-streetnoun UK: bækstriːt
backstrokenoun USA: bæ'kstroʊ"k UK: bækstroʊk
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