szavak, kifejezések
Hungarian-English open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: boldizsar
Reverse dictionary: words, phrases
430 matches in 18 dictionaries.
matches in the 16
matches in the 23
matches in the 1
match in the 101
matches in the 22
matches in the 1
match in the 8
matches in the 10
matches in the 44
matches in the 56
matches in the 2
matches in the 11
matches in the 25
matches in the 1
match in the 5
matches in the 5
matches in the 6
matches in the rangtisztelet
nemesi rang
tiszti rang
(hivatalnoki) rangsor
(leg)alacsonyabb rangú
- (leg)alacsonyabb rangú alkalmazott
- ~ служител
tiszteletadás a rangnak
rángat ide-oda
kénye-kedve szerint ide-oda rángat/ráncigál vkit
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