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Hungarian-German open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: Viktor
Reverse dictionary: Kisszótár
403 matches in 5 dictionaries.
success has turned his headexp USA: sʌ·kse's hʌ·z təː'nd hʌ·z he'd UK: səkses hæz təːnd hɪz hed
take it into one's headv USA: teɪ'k ʌ·t ɪ"ntʌ· wʌ'nz he'd UK: teɪk ɪt ɪntuː wʌnz hed
take sg into one's headv
top sy by a headv USA: tɔ'p saɪ' baɪ' eɪ' he'd
bring a matter to a headv USA: brɪ'ŋ eɪ' mæ'təː· tʌ· eɪ' he'd UK: brɪŋ eɪ mætər tuː eɪ hed
do a sum in his headexp USA: duː' eɪ' sʌ'm ɪ'n hʌ·z he'd UK: duː eɪ sʌm ɪn hɪz hed
hit the nail on the headexp USA: hɪ't ðiː· neɪ'l ɔ'n ðiː· he'd UK: hɪt ðiː neɪl ɔn ðiː hed
off the top of my headexp USA: ɔː'f ðiː· tɔ'p ʌ·v maɪ' he'd UK: ɔf ðiː tɔp ɔv maɪ hed
put sg out of sy's headv
take a whim into one's headv USA: teɪ'k eɪ' hwɪ'm ɪ"ntʌ· wʌ'nz he'd UK: teɪk eɪ wɪm ɪntuː wʌnz hed
the way he poises his headexp UK: ðiː weɪ hiː pɔɪzɪz hɪz hed
his eyes were popping out of his headexp USA: hʌ·z aɪ'z wəː' pɔ'pɪ·ŋ aʊ't ʌ·v hʌ·z he'd UK: hɪz aɪz wəːr pɔpɪŋ aʊt ɔv hɪz hed
head angleundef
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