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Magyar-Török szótár

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Reverse dictionary: Török-Magyar szótár
13 Words
14 Translations
0 Examples
0 Expressions
403 matches in 5 dictionaries.
headrestnoun USA: he'dre"st UK: hedrest
headroomnoun USA: he'druː"m UK: hedruːm
head roomexp USA: he'd ruː'm UK: hed ruːm
head scarfnoun USA: he'd skɔ'rf UK: hed skɑf
headsetnoun USA: he'dse"t UK: hedset
heads I win tails you loseexp USA: he'dz aɪ' wɪ'n teɪ'lz yuː' luː'z UK: hedz aɪ wɪn teɪlz juː luːz
heads of the chargeexp USA: he'dz ʌ·v ðiː· tʃɔ'rʤ UK: hedz ɔv ðiː tʃɑʤ
heads or tailsnoun USA: he'dz əː· teɪ'lz UK: hedz ɔːr teɪlz
head-stallnoun UK: hedstɔːl
headstandnoun UK: hedstænd
headstonenoun USA: he'dstoʊ"n UK: hedstoʊn
headstrongadj USA: he'dstrɔː"ŋ UK: hedstrɔŋ
headwaiternoun UK: hedweɪtə
headwaternoun USA: he'dwɔː"təː· UK: hedwɔːtər
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