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Hungarian-Chinese dictionary

Hungarian-Chinese open and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Chinese-Hungarian dictionary
14726 Words
33182 Translations
0 Examples
0 Expressions
326 matches in 18 dictionaries.
postal codeexp USA: poʊ'stʌ·l koʊ'd UK: poʊstl koʊd
postal matterexp USA: poʊ'stʌ·l mæ'təː· UK: poʊstl mætər
postal orderexp USA: poʊ'stʌ·l ɔː'rdəː· UK: poʊstl ɔːdər
postal tariffexp USA: poʊ'stʌ·l te'rʌ·f UK: poʊstl tærɪf
postal tuitionexp USA: poʊ'stʌ·l tyuː·ɪ'ʃʌ·n UK: poʊstl tjuːɪʃn
excess postagenoun USA: ɪ·kse's poʊ'stʌ·ʤ UK: ɪkses poʊstɪʤ
postage dueundef
postage for lettersundef
postage freeundef
postal addressundef
postal chequeundef
postal clerk [Am.]undef
postal deliveryundef
postal orderundef
postal systemundef
absence of postageundef
liable to postageundef
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