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Request for "alkalmaz"

Created by: Anonymous, 2019/03/19 - 21:14
Last modified at: 2019/03/19 - 21:14
Search for "alkalmaz" here
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    2 more drop votes needed to cancel this request.


    alkalmaz v
    use v trans v yuː'z juːz
    suit v trans v suː't suːt
    shop v trans v ʃɔ'p ʃɔp
    figurative put in v trans v pʊ't ɪ'n pʊt ɪn
    practise v trans v præktɪs
    practice noun præ'ktɪ"s præktɪs
    apply noun plaɪ' plaɪ
    Szándékunkban áll gazdasági szankciókat alkalmazni.
    We intend to apply economic sanctions.
    We intend to apply economic sanctions.
    place v trans v pleɪ's pleɪs
    occupy v trans v ɔ'kyʌ·paɪ" ɔkjʊpaɪ
    hire v trans v haɪ'r haɪər
    engage v trans v e·ngeɪ'ʤ ɪngeɪʤ
    employ v trans v ʌ·mplɔɪ' ɪmplɔɪ
    apply v trans v ʌ·plaɪ' əplaɪ
    Szándékunkban áll gazdasági szankciókat alkalmazni.
    We intend to apply economic sanctions.
    We intend to apply economic sanctions.
    adopt v trans v ʌ·dɔ'pt ədɔpt
    accommodate v trans v ʌ·kɔ'mʌ·deɪ"t əkɔmədeɪt

    How to proceed?

    Only editors of this dictionary may resolve this request. If you want to participate, contact the administrators of this dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger.


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