Hungarian-English dictionary

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Request for "bejelent"

Created by: Anonymous, 2014/03/07 - 01:31
Last modified at: 2014/03/07 - 01:31
Search for "bejelent" here
  1. Open
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  3. Published
    2 more drop votes needed to cancel this request.


    A példák a főnévi alakra vonatkoznak.


    bejelent v
    usher v trans v ʌ'ʃəː· ʌʃər
    return noun riː·təː'n rɪtəːn
    report noun rʌ·pɔː'rt rɪpɔːt
    A diákok minden tanévben bizonyítványt kapnak iskolai teljesítményükről.
    Each school year students receive a report on their school performance.
    A szóbeszéd nem kezdte ki komolyan jó hírét.
    Her reputation was not seriously affected by the report.
    annunciate v trans v ənʌnsɪeɪt
    announce v trans v ʌ·naʊ'ns ənaʊns
    A cég bejelentette, hogy nem csökkenti dolgozói létszámát.
    The company has announced that they are not reducing their workforce.

    How to proceed?

    Only editors of this dictionary may resolve this request. If you want to participate, contact the administrators of this dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger.


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