Hungarian-English dictionary

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Request for "buzi"

Created by: Anonymous, 2013/03/10 - 15:40
Last modified at: 2013/03/10 - 15:40
Search for "buzi" here
  1. Open
  2. Assigned
  3. Published
    2 more drop votes needed to cancel this request.


    buzi fn
    porno fn
    szex fn
    poovy fn
    poovey fn puː'viː·
    poove fn
    poofter fn
    poofdah fn
    poof fn puː'f puːf
    pederast fn pedəræst
    pansy fn pæ'nziː· pænziː
    pansy boy fn pæ'nziː· bɔɪ' pænziː bɔɪ
    nancy fn næ'nsiː· nænsiː
    szl homo fn hoʊ'moʊ· hoʊmoʊ
    biz gay mn geɪ' geɪ
    szl US fruit fn fruː't fruːt
    flit i tni flɪ't flɪt
    szl faggot fn fæ'gʌ·t fægət
    fag fn fæ'g fæg
    creampuff fn
    catcher fn kæ'tʃəː· kætʃər
    buggered fn bʌgəd
    bugger fn bʌ'gəː· bʌgər

    How to proceed?

    Only editors of this dictionary may resolve this request. If you want to participate, contact the administrators of this dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger.
