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Request for "cél"

Created by: Anonymous, 2014/03/03 - 17:59
Last modified at: 2014/03/03 - 17:59
Search for "cél" here
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    2 more drop votes needed to cancel this request.


    cél fn
    rég whereabouts fn hwe'rʌ·baʊ"ts weərəbaʊts
    target fn təː'gʌ·t tɑgɪt
    Nagyon fontos, hogy jól határozzuk meg egy új termék célpiacát.
    It is very important to define well the target market for a new product.
    The main target of the attack was the capital city.
    A támadás fő célpontja a főváros volt.
    purpose i tsi pəː'pʌ·s pəːpəs
    Fél életed egyedüli nagy célja volt, hogy ezt elérhesd.
    It has been the grand purpose of half your lifetime to obtain it.
    purport fn pəː·pɔː'rt pəːpət
    pourpose noun
    objective fn ʌ·bʤe'ktɪ·v əbʤektɪv
    object fn ʌ·bʤe'kt ɔbʤɪkt
    mind fn maɪ'nd maɪnd
    intention fn ɪ"nte'ntʃʌ·n ɪntenʃn
    intent fn ɪ"nte'nt ɪntent
    home i tsi hoʊ'm hoʊm
    goal fn goʊ'l goʊl
    end fn e'nd end
    A cél szentesíti az eszközt.
    The end justifies the means.
    drift fn drɪ'ft drɪft
    consummation fn kɔ"nsʌ·meɪ'ʃʌ·n kɔnsəmeɪʃn
    aim i tsi eɪ'm eɪm
    A civilizációnak épp ez a célja: mindenből élvezetet csinálni.
    But that's just the aim of civilization - to make everything a source of enjoyment.
    Célozz a nyillal kicsivel a célpont fölé.
    Aim the arrow a little above the target.

    How to proceed?

    Only editors of this dictionary may resolve this request. If you want to participate, contact the administrators of this dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger.


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