Hungarian-English dictionary

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Request for "elér"

Created by: Anonymous, 2013/11/13 - 20:37
Last modified at: 2013/11/13 - 20:37
Search for "elér" here
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    2 more drop votes needed to cancel this request.


    elér i
    reach i tni riː'tʃ riːtʃ
    Nem vagyok elég magas, hogy elérjem azt a könyvet a legfelső polcon.
    I am not tall enough to reach that book on the top shelf.
    I am not tall enough to reach that book on the top shelf.
    old reach v trans v riː'tʃ riːtʃ
    Nem vagyok elég magas, hogy elérjem azt a könyvet a legfelső polcon.
    I am not tall enough to reach that book on the top shelf.
    I am not tall enough to reach that book on the top shelf.
    procure i tsi proʊ·kyʊ'r prəkjʊər
    obtain i tsi ʌ·bteɪ'n əbteɪn
    hit i tsi hɪ't hɪt
    get up to i gɪ't ʌ'p tʌ· get ʌp tuː
    get at i tni gɪ't æ't get ət
    get a hold of sg fn
    gain i tsi geɪ'n geɪn
    compass i tsi kʌ'mpʌ·s kʌmpəs
    chalk up sg fn
    attain i tni ʌ·teɪ'n əteɪn
    attain i tsi ʌ·teɪ'n əteɪn
    achieve i tni ʌ·tʃiː'v ətʃiːv
    Robert Peary végül elérte célját és eljutott az Északi Sarkra 1909-ben.
    Robert Peary finally achieved his ambition to reach the North Pole in 1909.
    achieve i tsi ʌ·tʃiː'v ətʃiːv

    How to proceed?

    Only editors of this dictionary may resolve this request. If you want to participate, contact the administrators of this dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger.
