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Request for "enged"

Created by: Anonymous, 2019/11/26 - 16:10
Last modified at: 2019/11/26 - 16:10
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    2 more drop votes needed to cancel this request.


    enged v
    yield v intrans v yiː'ld jiːld
    Az ajtó engedett a nyomásnak, beléptek.
    The door yielded to the pressure, and they passed in together.
    The door yielded to the pressure, and they passed in together.
    yield v trans v yiː'ld jiːld
    Az ajtó engedett a nyomásnak, beléptek.
    The door yielded to the pressure, and they passed in together.
    The door yielded to the pressure, and they passed in together.
    old suffer v trans v sʌ'fəː· sʌfər
    submit v sʌ·bmɪ't səbmɪt
    relent v intrans v rʌ·le'nt rɪlent
    pull v intrans v pʊ'l pʊl
    permits v pəː'mɪ"ts pəːmɪts
    permit v intrans v pəː'mɪ"t pəːmɪt
    permit v trans v pəː'mɪ"t pəːmɪt
    tartózkodási engedély
    residence permit
    knuckle down v intrans v nʌ'kʌ·l daʊ'n nʌkl daʊn
    have, had v hæ'v hæ'd hæv həd
    give in v intrans v gɪ'v ɪ'n gɪv ɪn
    defer v dʌ·fəː' dɪfəːr
    concede v trans v kʌ·nsiː'd kənsiːd
    come round v intrans v kʌ'm raʊ'nd kʌm raʊnd
    bate v trans v beɪ't beɪt
    regional allow v trans v ʌ·laʊ' əlaʊ
    allow of v ʌ·laʊ' ʌ·v əlaʊ ɔv
    give way v

    How to proceed?

    Only editors of this dictionary may resolve this request. If you want to participate, contact the administrators of this dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger.
