Hungarian-English dictionary

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Request for "érzékeny"

Created by: Anonymous, 2012/09/26 - 01:52
Last modified at: 2012/09/26 - 01:52
Search for "érzékeny" here
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  3. Published
    2 more drop votes needed to cancel this request.


    A Nice-t talán nem kéne az érzékenyhez hozzákeverni. Főleg, hogy ott a helyes fonetikus kiejtés, viszont a hang a nice melléknevet ejti...


    érzékeny mn
    touchy mn tʌ'tʃiː· tʌtʃiː
    testy fn te'stiː· testiː
    átv tender mn te'ndəː· tendər
    A karom nagyon érzékeny volt az injekció után.
    My arm was very tender after the injection.
    susceptible mn sʌ·se'ptʌ·bʌ·l səseptəbl
    sore mn sɔː'r sɔːr
    sentient mn senʃnt
    sensuous mn se'ntʃʌ·wʌ·s senʃʊəs
    sensitive fn se'nsʌ·tɪ·v sensɪtɪv
    sensible mn se'nsʌ·bʌ·l sensəbl
    responsive mn rʌ·spɔ'nsɪ·v rɪspɔnsɪv
    receptive mn riː·se'ptɪ·v rɪseptɪv
    Nice fn tul niː's niːs
    miffy mn
    irritable mn ɪ'rʌ·tʌ·bʌ·l ɪrɪtəbl
    have a thin skin kif hæ'v eɪ' θɪ'n skɪ'n hæv eɪ θɪn skɪn
    delicate mn de'lʌ·kʌ·t delɪkət

    How to proceed?

    Only editors of this dictionary may resolve this request. If you want to participate, contact the administrators of this dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger.
