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Request for "hülye"

Created by: Anonymous, 2013/01/20 - 11:35
Last modified at: 2013/01/20 - 11:35
Search for "hülye" here
  1. Open
  2. Assigned
  3. Published
    2 more drop votes needed to cancel this request.


    hülye fn
    whacky fn
    stupied fn
    whacko fn wæ'koʊ·
    wacky mn wæ'kiː·
    wacko fn wæ'koʊ·
    vacuous mn væ'kyuː·ʌ·s vækjʊəs
    twit i twɪt
    tomfool i tni tɔmfuːl
    stupid mn stuː'pʌ·d stjuːpɪd
    soft-witted fn
    soft-headed mn
    biz US simp fn
    silly fn sɪ'liː· sɪliː
    shmo fn
    schmo fn
    sap-head fn sæphed
    szl GB prat fn
    oafish mn oʊfɪʃ
    nutter fn nʌ'təː· nʌttəː
    nut fn nʌ't nʌt
    nurd fn
    nitwit fn nɪtwɪt
    nerd fn nəː'd
    rég natural fn næ'tʃrʌ·l nætʃrəl
    muttonhead fn mʌtnhed
    mutton-head fn mʌtnhed
    mutt fn mʌ't mʌt
    moronic mn mərɔnɪk
    biz moron fn mɔː'rɔ"n mɔːrɔn
    moonstruck mn muː'nstrʌ"k muːnstrʌk
    imbecilic mn ɪmbəsɪlɪk
    biz imbecile fn ɪ'mbʌ·saɪ·l ɪmbəsiːl
    idiotic mn ɪ"diː·ɔ'tɪ·k ɪdɪɔtɪk
    idiot fn ɪ'diː·ʌ·t ɪdɪət
    gormless fn gɔːmlɪs
    goon fn guː'n guːn
    goofy fn guː'fiː· guːfiː
    gaga mn gægɑ
    dumbo fn dʌ'mboʊ·
    dead above the ears kif de'd ʌ·bʌ'v ðiː· iː'rz ded əbʌv ðiː ɪəz
    cretin fn kretɪn
    szl GB clot fn klɔ't klɔt
    bozo fn boʊ'zoʊ"
    blithering mn blɪðərɪŋ

    How to proceed?

    Only editors of this dictionary may resolve this request. If you want to participate, contact the administrators of this dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger.


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