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Request for "irányít"

Created by: Atamata, 2013/05/03 - 07:16
Last modified at: 2013/05/03 - 07:16
Search for "irányít" here
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    2 more drop votes needed to cancel this request.


    irányít i
    supervise i tsi suː'pəː·vaɪ"z suːpəvaɪz
    steer i tni stɪ'r stɪər
    steer i tsi stɪ'r stɪər
    slip i tsi slɪ'p slɪp
    shepherd i tsi ʃe'pəː·d ʃepəd
    rule i tsi ruː'l ruːl
    route i tsi ruːt
    regulate i tsi re'gyʌ·leɪ"t regjʊleɪt
    hajó rep
    pilot i tsi paɪ'lʌ·t paɪlət
    operate i tni ɔ'pəː·eɪ"t ɔpəreɪt
    US operate i tsi ɔ'pəː·eɪ"t ɔpəreɪt
    manoeuvre i tsi mənuːvər
    manipulate i tsi mʌ·nɪ'pyʌ·leɪ"t mənɪpjʊleɪt
    manage i tni mæ'nʌ·ʤ mænɪʤ
    manage v trans v mæ'nʌ·ʤ mænɪʤ
    home i tsi hoʊ'm hoʊm
    handle i tsi hæ'ndʌ·l hændl
    guide i tsi gaɪ'd gaɪd
    govern i tsi gʌ'vəː·n gʌvn
    direct i tni dɪ·re'kt dɪrekt
    direct i tsi dɪ·re'kt dɪrekt
    control i tsi kʌ·ntroʊ'l kəntroʊl
    conduct i tsi kɔ'ndʌ·kt kɔndʌkt
    Az Unió külügyminisztere irányítja az Unió közös kül- és biztonságpolitikáját.
    The Union Minister for Foreign Affairs shall conduct the Union's common foreign and security policy.
    The Union Minister for Foreign Affairs shall conduct the Union's common foreign and security policy.
    con i kɔ'n kɔn
    Az Unió külügyminisztere irányítja az Unió közös kül- és biztonságpolitikáját.
    The Union Minister for Foreign Affairs shall conduct the Union's common foreign and security policy.
    The Union Minister for Foreign Affairs shall conduct the Union's common foreign and security policy.
    boss i tsi bɔː's bɔs
    address i tsi ʌ·dre's ədres

    How to proceed?

    Only editors of this dictionary may resolve this request. If you want to participate, contact the administrators of this dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger.
