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Request for "kitartó"

Created by: Anonymous, 2021/02/11 - 14:24
Last modified at: 2021/02/11 - 14:24
Search for "kitartó" here
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    2 more drop votes needed to cancel this request.


    kitartó mn
    unwavering mn ʌ·nweɪ'vəː·ɪ·ŋ ʌnweɪvərɪŋ
    unceasing mn ʌ·nsiː'sɪ·ŋ ʌnsiːsɪŋ
    true mn truː' truː
    tough mn tʌ'f tʌf
    tenacious mn tʌ·neɪ'ʃʌ·s tɪneɪʃəs
    sugar-daddy adj
    strenuous mn stre'nyuː·ʌ·s strenjʊəs
    biz slogger fn slɔgər
    persistent mn pəː·sɪ'stʌ·nt pəsɪstənt
    Még soha nem láttam ilyen kitartó orvvadászokat.
    I've never seen poachers this persistent.
    persevering mn pəːsɪvɪərɪŋ
    loyalist mn lɔɪ'ʌ·lʌ·st lɔɪəlɪst
    loyal mn lɔɪ'ʌ·l lɔɪəl
    long-suffering adj lɔŋsʌfərɪŋ
    insistent mn ɪ"nsɪ'stʌ·nt ɪnsɪstənt
    hard hsz hɔ'rd hɑd
    enduring mn ʌ·ndʊ'rɪ·ŋ ɪndjʊərɪŋ
    dogged mn dɔː'gd dɔgɪd
    constant mn kɔ'nstʌ·nt kɔnstənt
    assiduous mn ʌ·sɪ'dwʌ·s əsɪdjʊəs

    How to proceed?

    Only editors of this dictionary may resolve this request. If you want to participate, contact the administrators of this dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger.
