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Request for "létrehoz"

Created by: Anonymous, 2013/12/19 - 00:48
Last modified at: 2013/12/19 - 00:48
Search for "létrehoz" here
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    2 more drop votes needed to cancel this request.


    létrehoz i
    set up i tsi se't ʌ'p set ʌp
    szl US reach i tsi riː'tʃ riːtʃ
    produce i tsi proʊ'duː·s prɔdjuːs
    procreate i tsi proʊ'kriː·eɪ't proʊkrɪeɪt
    originate i tsi əː·ɪ'ʤʌ·neɪ"t ərɪʤɪneɪt
    generate i tsi ʤe'nəː·eɪ"t ʤenəreɪt
    establish i tsi iː·stæ'blɪ·ʃ ɪstæblɪʃ
    effectuate i tsi ʌ·fe'ktʃuː·eɪ"t ɪfektjʊeɪt
    create i tsi kriː·eɪ't kriːeɪt
    creat v
    bring on i tsi brɪ'ŋ ɔ'n brɪŋ ɔn
    begotten mn biː·gɔː'tʌ·n bɪgɔtn
    beget i bɪ·ge't bɪget

    How to proceed?

    Only editors of this dictionary may resolve this request. If you want to participate, contact the administrators of this dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger.


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