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Request for "okos"

Created by: Anonymous, 2013/12/21 - 20:25
Last modified at: 2013/12/21 - 20:25
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    okos mn
    wise mn waɪ'z waɪz
    A bölcs fiú örömet szerez az apjának, az ostoba ember megveti az anyját.
    A wise son makes a father joyful: but the foolish man despises his mother.
    Igen okos és elővigyázatos volt.
    She was very wise and very discreet.
    Utólag könnyű okosnak lenni.
    It is easy to be wise after the event.
    sophisticated mn sʌ·fɪ'stɪ·keɪ"tʌ·d səfɪstɪkeɪtɪd
    smart mn smɔ'rt smɑt
    A tanárok szerint ő az egyik legokosabb diák az osztályban.
    Teachers say she is one of the smartest children in the class.
    shrewd mn ʃruː'd ʃruːd
    sharp mn ʃɔ'rp ʃɑp
    sapient mn seɪpɪənt
    prudent mn pruː'dʌ·nt pruːdnt
    pej politic mn pɔ'lʌ·tɪ"k pɔlɪtɪk
    nimble mn nɪ'mbʌ·l nɪmbl
    nimble-minded mn
    judicious mn ʤuː·dɪ'ʃʌ·s ʤuːdɪʃəs
    deep mn diː'p diːp
    rég conceited mn kʌ·nsiː'tʌ·d kənsiːtɪd
    biz GB clevner mn kle'vəː· klevər
    canny hsz kæ'niː· kæniː
    bright mn braɪ't braɪt
    Ez nem volt valami okos kérdés, Walter.
    Internet buta vagy
    That was not a very bright question, Walter.
    onomat brainy mn breɪ'niː· breɪniː
    astute mn ʌ·stuː't əstjuːt
    advised mn ʌ·dvaɪ'zd ədvaɪzd

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    Only editors of this dictionary may resolve this request. If you want to participate, contact the administrators of this dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger.


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