Hungarian-English dictionary

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Request for "önéletrajz"

Created by: Anonymous, 2016/12/13 - 08:47
Last modified at: 2016/12/13 - 08:47
Search for "önéletrajz" here
  1. Open
  2. Assigned
  3. Published
    2 more drop votes needed to cancel this request.


    önéletrajz fn
    resume i tsi re'zʌ·meɪ" rɪzjuːm
    Húsz céghez is elküldte önéletrajzát, de egy interjúra sem hívták be.
    Én egy tanuló vagyok a Ráckevei Árpád Fejedelem Általanos Iskolában
    He sent his résumé to twenty companies, but didn't even get an interview.
    memoir fn me'mwɔ"r memwɑr
    curriculum vitae fn kəː·ɪ'kyʌ·lʌ·m vaɪ'tʌ· kərɪkjʊləm viːtaɪ
    autobiography fn ɔː"tʌ·baɪ·ɔ'grʌ·fiː· ɔːtəbaɪɔgrəfiː

    How to proceed?

    Only editors of this dictionary may resolve this request. If you want to participate, contact the administrators of this dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger.
