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Request for "pontos"

Created by: Anonymous, 2014/07/22 - 14:11
Last modified at: 2014/07/22 - 14:11
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    pontos hsz
    true hsz truː' truː
    Ha pontosak a számítások, ez a nap lesz az utazás utolsó napja.
    That day was to be the last of their journey, if all calculations were true.
    time-keeper mn taɪmkiːpər
    strait mn streɪ't streɪt
    regular mn reɪ'gyʌ·ləː· regjʊlər
    Japánban a vonatok óramű pontossággal járnak.
    In Japan trains are regular as clockwork.
    punctual mn pʌŋktʃʊəl
    Miért nem voltak pontosabbak?
    Why weren't they more punctual?
    prompt hsz prɔ'mpt prɔmpt
    Próbálj meg pontos lenni, mert nagyon kevés időnk lesz.
    Try to be prompt because we'll be very short of time.
    precise mn priː·saɪ's prɪsaɪs
    A cég páncélszekrényének pontos helyét titokban tartják.
    The precise location of the company's safe is kept in secret.
    Nice fn tul niː's niːs
    A két, pontosan egyforma gőzös nap nap után egymás látókörében marad.
    Two nicely matched steamers will stay in sight of each other day after day.
    near mn nɪ'r nɪər
    Két órával és tíz perccel a kakasszó előtt meghalt; azt hiszem, elég pontosan mondom...
    He died about two hours and ten minutes before the cock crowed, as near as we can say.
    He died about two hours and ten minutes before the cock crowed, as near as we can say.
    minute mn maɪ·nyuː't mɪnɪt
    Két órával és tíz perccel a kakasszó előtt meghalt; azt hiszem, elég pontosan mondom...
    He died about two hours and ten minutes before the cock crowed, as near as we can say.
    He died about two hours and ten minutes before the cock crowed, as near as we can say.
    rég incorrupt mn ɪnkərʌpt
    expidite mn
    exact mn ɪ·gzæ'kt ɪgzækt
    Mennyi a pontos távolság a Föld és kísérője között?
    What is the exact distance which separates the earth from its satellite?
    Ha pontos az órád, mindig tudod a pontos időt.
    If your watch is accurate, you know the exact time.
    If your watch is accurate, you know the exact time.
    correct mn kəː·e'kt kərekt
    A számításom pontos volt - jelentette ki -, egészen pontos.
    My calculation was correct, he insisted; quite correct.
    close mn kloʊ'z kloʊz
    Nagyon pontosan kikérdezett a titkomról.
    She interrogated me very closely upon my secret.
    be on time mn biː· ɔ'n taɪ'm biː ɔn taɪm
    Légy pontos, el kell érnünk a korai vonatot!
    Be on time, we must catch the early train!
    accurate mn æ'kyəː·ʌ·t ækjərət
    Ha pontos az órád, mindig tudod a pontos időt.
    If your watch is accurate, you know the exact time.
    If your watch is accurate, you know the exact time.

    How to proceed?

    Only editors of this dictionary may resolve this request. If you want to participate, contact the administrators of this dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger.
