Hungarian-English dictionary

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Request for "szerződés"

Created by: Anonymous, 2013/03/13 - 10:03
Last modified at: 2013/03/13 - 10:03
Search for "szerződés" here
  1. Open
  2. Assigned
  3. Published
    2 more drop votes needed to cancel this request.


    szerződés fn
    treaty fn triː'tiː· triːtiː
    pact fn pæ'kt pækt
    engagement fn e·ngeɪ'ʤmʌ·nt ɪngeɪʤmənt
    És ez is a te kezed írása? - nyújtotta felé régi szerződésüket.
    And is THIS also your handwriting? extending towards her the mutual engagement.
    covenant i tsi kʌ'vʌ·nʌ·nt kʌvənənt
    convention fn kʌ·nve'nʃʌ·n kənvenʃn
    contract i tsi kʌ·ntræ'kt kɔntrækt
    Aláírt egy szerződést a háza eladásáról, de meggondolta magát és mégis ott akar maradni.
    She signed a contract to sell her house but now she has changed her mind and want to stay.
    She signed a contract to sell her house but now she has changed her mind and wants to stay.
    concord fn kɔ'nkəː·d kɔŋkɔːd
    compact i tsi kʌ·mpæ'kt kɔmpækt

    How to proceed?

    Only editors of this dictionary may resolve this request. If you want to participate, contact the administrators of this dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger.
