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Request for "szilárd"

Created by: Anonymous, 2016/02/22 - 22:46
Last modified at: 2016/02/22 - 22:46
Search for "szilárd" here
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    szilárd mn
    unshakeable mn ʌ·nʃeɪ'kʌ·bʌ·l ʌnʃeɪkəbl
    unmoved mn ʌ·nmuː'vd ʌnmuːvd
    undeviating mn ʌndiːvɪeɪtɪŋ
    tight mn taɪ't taɪt
    substantive mn sʌ'bstʌ·ntɪ·v sʌbstəntɪv
    substantial mn sʌ·bstæ'nʃʌ·l səbstænʃl
    sturdy mn stəː'diː· stəːdiː
    stout mn staʊ't staʊt
    gazd pénz
    stiff mn stɪ'f stɪf
    steady i tni ste'diː· stediː
    steady i tsi ste'diː· stediː
    stable mn steɪ'bʌ·l steɪbl
    sound mn saʊ'nd saʊnd
    solid fn sɔ'lʌ·d sɔlɪd
    Szilárd talajt érzett a lába alatt.
    He felt solid ground beneath his feet.
    set i tni se't set
    robustic mn roʊbʌstɪk
    robustful mn roʊbʌstfəl
    robust mn roʊ·bʌ'st roʊbʌst
    rigid mn rɪ'ʤʌ·d rɪʤɪd
    immovable mn ɪ"muː'vʌ·bʌ·l ɪmuːvəbl
    hard mn hɔ'rd hɑd
    biz US gritty mn grɪ'tiː· grɪtiː
    grim mn grɪ'm grɪm
    fixed mn fɪ'kst fɪkst
    firm i tni fəː'm fəːm
    Négy esztendeje jegyesek - mondotta szilárd hangon.
    Four years they have been engaged, said she with a firm voice.
    fast mn fæ'st fɑst
    constant mn kɔ'nstʌ·nt kɔnstənt
    consistent fn kʌ·nsɪ'stʌ·nt kənsɪstənt
    concrete i tsi kɔ'nkriː·t kɔŋkriːt
    compact fn kʌ·mpæ'kt kɔmpækt

    How to proceed?

    Only editors of this dictionary may resolve this request. If you want to participate, contact the administrators of this dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger.
