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Request for "tulajdonság"

Created by: Anonymous, 2020/01/26 - 15:51
Last modified at: 2020/01/26 - 15:51
Search for "tulajdonság" here
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    2 more drop votes needed to cancel this request.




    tulajdonság noun
    quality noun kwɔ'lʌ·tiː· kwɔlɪtiː
    property noun prɔ'pəː·tiː· prɔpətiː
    A réz egyik tulajdonsága, hogy a hőt és az elektromosságot is jól vezeti.
    One of the properties of copper is that it conducts heat and electricity very well.
    One of the properties of copper is that it conducts heat and electricity very well.
    old proper noun prɔ'pəː· prɔpər
    A réz egyik tulajdonsága, hogy a hőt és az elektromosságot is jól vezeti.
    One of the properties of copper is that it conducts heat and electricity very well.
    One of the properties of copper is that it conducts heat and electricity very well.
    feature noun fiː'tʃəː· fiːtʃər
    attribution noun æ"trʌ·byuː'ʃʌ·n ætrɪbjuːʃn
    attribute v trans v ʌ·trɪ'byuː"t ətrɪbjuːt
    A türelem a jó tanár nélkülözhetetlen tulajdonsága.
    Patience is an essential attribute for a good teacher.

    How to proceed?

    Only editors of this dictionary may resolve this request. If you want to participate, contact the administrators of this dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger.
