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Request for "utálatos"

Created by: Anonymous, 2014/03/06 - 20:49
Last modified at: 2014/03/06 - 20:49
Search for "utálatos" here
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    utálatos mn
    ran mn ræ'ŋk ræŋk
    biz poisonous mn pɔɪ'zʌ·nʌ·s pɔɪzənəs
    odious mn oʊ'diː·ʌ·s oʊdɪəs
    átv nauseating mn nɔː'ʒiː·eɪ"tɪ·ŋ nɔːsɪeɪtɪŋ
    monstrous mn mɔ'nstrʌ·s mɔnstrəs
    mean mn miː'n miːn
    Kati egyáltalán nem barátkozós, mindenkivel utálatos az osztályban.
    Katie is not friendly at all, she is being mean to everyone in the class.
    loathsome mn loʊ'θsʌ·m loʊðsəm
    hideous mn hɪ'diː·ʌ·s hɪdɪəs
    hateful mn heɪ'tfʌ·l heɪtfəl
    grotty mn grɔtiː
    groaty mn groʊtiː
    fulsome mn fʊ'lsʌ·m fʊlsəm
    execrable mn e"gze'krʌ·bʌ·l eksɪkrəbl
    distasteful mn dɪ"steɪ'stfʌ·l dɪsteɪstfəl
    disgusting mn dɪ"sgʌ'stɪ·ŋ dɪsgʌstɪŋ
    detestable mn dɪtestəbl
    biz beastly mn biːstliː
    abominable mn ʌ·bɔ'mʌ·nʌ·bʌ·l əbɔmɪnəbl

    How to proceed?

    Only editors of this dictionary may resolve this request. If you want to participate, contact the administrators of this dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger.
