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Request for "világos"

Created by: Anonymous, 2014/12/03 - 14:31
Last modified at: 2014/12/03 - 14:31
Search for "világos" here
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    2 more drop votes needed to cancel this request.




    világos fn
    white fn hwaɪ't waɪt
    unexceptional mn ʌnɪksepʃənl
    unequivocal mn ʌ"niː·kwɪ'vʌ·kʌ·l ʌnɪkwɪvəkl
    unambiguous mn ʌ"næ·mbɪ'gyʌ·wʌ·s ʌnæmbɪgjʊəs
    átv transparent mn træ·nspe'rʌ·nt trænspærənt
    biz US straight mn streɪ't streɪt
    Tiszta és világos volt minden, mint a régi számvetések után.
    Everything was straight and clear, just as after former days of reckoning.
    Everything was straight and clear, just as after former days of reckoning.
    self-evident mn
    táj skót print mn prɪ'nt prɪnt
    plain hsz pleɪ'n pleɪn
    Ennyi volt világos a banki ügyletekből.
    That much was plain from the banking activities.
    biz pellucid mn peluːsɪd
    open-and-shut mn
    obvious mn ɔ'bviː·ʌ·s ɔbvɪəs
    A doktor ugyan nem szerelmes bele - ez világos -, de miért ne venné feleségül?
    It's obvious that the doctor is not in love with her, but why shouldn't he marry her?
    luminous mn luː'mʌ·nʌ·s luːmɪnəs
    lucid mn luː'sʌ·d luːsɪd
    átv limpid mn lɪmpɪd
    ritk lightsome mn laɪtsəm
    lightish mn laɪtɪʃ
    light mn laɪ't laɪt
    legible mn le'gʌ·bʌ·l leʤəbl
    fair mn fe'r feər
    Az északi rasszba tartozó emberek világosbőrűek.
    Nordic race people are fair-skinned.
    express mn ɪ·kspre's ɪkspres
    explicit mn ɪ·ksplɪ'sʌ·t ɪksplɪsɪt
    evident mn e'vʌ·dʌ·nt evɪdənt
    emphatic mn e·mfæ'tɪ·k ɪmfætɪk
    distinct mn dɪ"stɪ'ŋkt dɪstɪŋkt
    definite mn de'fʌ·nʌ·t defɪnət
    clear i tsi klɪ'r klɪər
    Tiszta és világos volt minden, mint a régi számvetések után.
    Everything was straight and clear, just as after former days of reckoning.
    Everything was straight and clear, just as after former days of reckoning.
    clear-out fn
    clear-cut mn klɪ'rkʌ"t klɪəkʌt
    clean-cut mn
    businesslike mn bɪ'znʌ·slaɪ"k bɪznəslaɪk
    broad mn brɔː'd brɔːd
    bright mn braɪ't braɪt
    Az ég tiszta volt, telistele fényes csillagokkal.
    The sky was clear and full of bright stars.
    Másoknak is eszébe jutott ez a ragyogó ötlet.
    There have been others to spare with the same bright idea.
    Mindjárt felkel a Nap, azért van ilyen világos.
    The sun is going to rise soon, that's why it is so bright.
    articulate i tsi ɔ·rtɪ'kyʌ·lʌ·t ɑtɪkjʊleɪt
    apparent mn ʌ·pe'rʌ·nt əpærənt

    How to proceed?

    Only editors of this dictionary may resolve this request. If you want to participate, contact the administrators of this dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger.
