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Hungarian-English dictionary

Hungarian-English open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrators of the dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger
Reverse dictionary: English-Hungarian dictionary
112503 Words
208930 Translations
4982 Examples
345 Expressions
    1. screw around
      USA: skruː' əː·aʊ'n UK: skruː əraʊnd
    1. rollick
      UK: rɔlɪk
    1. quiz
      USA: kwɪ'z UK: kwɪz
    1. play up
      USA: pleɪ' ʌ'p UK: pleɪ ʌp
    1. play the fool
      USA: pleɪ' ðiː· fuː'l UK: pleɪ ðiː fuːl
    1. monkey
      USA: mʌ'ŋkiː· UK: mʌŋkiː
    1. lark
      USA: lɔ'rk UK: lɑk
    1. fuck about
      USA: fʌ'k ʌ·baʊ't UK: fʌk əbaʊt
    1. fool
      USA: fuː'l UK: fuːl
    1. fool with
      USA: fuː'l wʌ·ð UK: fuːl wɪð
    1. slang fart about
      UK: fɑt əbaʊt
    1. slang UK Irish cod
      USA: siː'oʊ'diː' UK: kɔd
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