Hungarian-English dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: English-Hungarian dictionary
matches in the boots
USA: buː'ts UK: buːts

lift oneself by one's bootstraps
USA: lɪ'ft wʌ"nse'lf baɪ' wʌ'nz buː'tstræ"ps UK: lɪft wʌnself baɪ wʌnz buːtstræps

raise oneself by one's bootstraps
USA: reɪ'z wʌ"nse'lf baɪ' wʌ'nz buː'tstræ"ps UK: reɪz wʌnself baɪ wʌnz buːtstræps

have one's heart in one's boots
USA: hæ'v wʌ'nz hɔ'rt ɪ'n wʌ'nz buː'ts UK: hæv wʌnz hɑt ɪn wʌnz buːts

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