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Hungarian-English dictionary

Hungarian-English open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrators of the dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger
Reverse dictionary: English-Hungarian dictionary
112503 Words
208930 Translations
4982 Examples
345 Expressions
buta embernoun
    1. zombie
      USA: zɔ'mbiː· UK: zɔmbiː
    1. twit
      UK: twɪt
    1. sap
      USA: sæ'p UK: sæp
  1. Aus
    1. slang US nit
      USA: nɪ't UK: nɪt
    1. mule
      USA: myuː'l UK: mjuːl
    1. lamebrain
      UK: leɪmbreɪn
    1. goosey
      USA: guː'siː· UK: guːsiː
    1. slang US goon
      USA: guː'n UK: guːn
    1. dumbo
      USA: dʌ'mboʊ·
    1. cluck
      USA: klʌ'k UK: klʌk
    1. bimbo
      USA: bɪ'mboʊ·
    1. asshole
      UK: æshoʊl
jelentéktelen, buta (ember)exp
ügyefogyott buta embernoun
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