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Hungarian-English dictionary

Hungarian-English open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrators of the dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger
Reverse dictionary: English-Hungarian dictionary
112503 Words
208930 Translations
4982 Examples
345 Expressions
    1. informal wicked
      USA: wɪ'kʌ·d UK: wɪkɪd
    1. void
      USA: vɔɪ'd UK: vɔɪd
    1. unprofitable
      USA: ʌ·nprɔ'fʌ·tʌ·bʌ·l UK: ʌnprɔfɪtəbl
    1. unhelpful
      USA: ʌ·nhe'lpfʌ·l UK: ʌnhelpfəl
    1. unavailing
      USA: ʌ"nʌ·veɪ'lɪ·ŋ UK: ʌnəveɪlɪŋ
    1. superfluous
      USA: suː'pəː·flwʌ"s UK: suːpəːflʊəs
    1. sterile
      USA: ste'rʌ·l UK: steraɪl
    1. informal reprobate
      USA: re'prɔː·beɪ·t UK: reproʊbeɪt
    1. US punk
      USA: pʌ'ŋk UK: pʌŋk
    1. otiose
      UK: oʊʃiːoʊs
    1. of no utility
      USA: ʌ·v noʊ' yuː·tɪ'lʌ·tiː· UK: ɔv noʊ juːtɪlɪtiː
    1. null
      USA: nʌ'l UK: nʌl
    1. idle
      USA: aɪ'dʌ·l UK: aɪdl
    1. Mellékes, haszontalan fontolgatások.
        1. These were idle considerations - beside the point.
    1. helpless
      USA: he'lplʌ·s UK: helpləs
    1. futile
      USA: fyuː'tʌ·l UK: fjuːtaɪl
    1. frivolous
      USA: frɪ'vʌ·lʌ·s UK: frɪvələs
    1. fiddling
      USA: fɪ'dlɪ·ŋ UK: fɪdlɪŋ
    1. Scot feckless
      USA: fe'klʌ·s UK: feklɪs
    1. barren
      USA: bæ'rʌ·n UK: bærən
haszontalan beszédnoun
    1. fudge
      USA: fʌ'ʤ UK: fʌʤ
haszontalan fickónoun
    1. rip
      USA: rɪ'p UK: rɪp
haszontalan fráternoun
    1. son of a gun
      USA: sʌ'n ʌ·v eɪ' gʌ'n UK: sʌn ɔv eɪ gʌn
    1. bad egg
      USA: bæ'd e'g UK: bæd eg
haszontalan kölyöknoun
    1. little scallywag
      UK: lɪtl skælɪwæg
    1. unprofitableness
      UK: ʌnprɔfɪtəblnəs
    1. tosh
      USA: tɔ'ʃ UK: tɔʃ
    1. inanity
      UK: ɪnænɪtiː
    1. idleness
      USA: aɪ'dʌ·lnʌ·s UK: aɪdlnəs
haszontalanságokkal bíbelődikv
    1. piffle
      UK: pɪfl
    1. helplessly
      USA: he'lplʌ·sliː· UK: helpləsliː
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